Pshhhew. Preparing for Easter is almost as exhausting as preparing for Christmas, isn't it? I had every intention of writing a post about this killer potato salad last night, but I laid here for five minutes looking at my blank iPad screen and decided it was probably better to just go to sleep since my brain had apparently already shut off. Too much rushing around, and wrapping, and cooking, and cleaning, and activity-ing. ;)
I'm feeling pretty much back to normal today, how bout you? Almost recovered? Good news...we have a couple of months til the next big holiday so we can all relax and take it easy for awhile. HA.
Let's talk about this potato salad. It is seriously so good, it's BA-nanas! Tangy Dill Potato Salad is nothing like traditional potato salad. It's fresh-tasting and super summer-y and a lot less heavy than the yellow stuff. I made it for the Easter Feast and it was a huge hit, as usual, and thought it was only right that I share it with you.
I found the recipe on All Recipes a couple of years ago and made it for a BBQ. It was so yummy that there weren't any leftovers and I ended up making another batch the next day just because Dave was so sad there wasn't any to take for lunch. I have just made a double batch ever since.
It's super simple, and you probably already have most of the ingredients.
Tangy Dill Potato Salad
3 lbs redskin potatoes, scrubbed
1/2 cup Italian dressing
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup chopped green onion
2 tsp chopped fresh dill
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper, to taste
Put the potatoes in a big pot of water to boil and cook them until tender (I usually just stick a fork in them and when it goes in easily, they are done.) Drain, and set aside to cool. (If you are in a hurry and need them to cool down faster, just drain them and cover them back up with ice and cold water and leave them to sit in their freezing cold bath until you are done mixing up the dressing.)
When the potatoes are cool enough to touch, cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, stir together the Italian dressing, mayo, green onion, dill, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, and salt and pepper. Toss the cooled potatoes in the bowl with the dressing and stir until well-coated. Refrigerate for a couple of hours to let the flavors blend.
Even some of my friends who don't like potato salad like this one. It's so different and so yummy. Try it, you'll like it. :)
Our whole Easter dinner this year was super yummy. We had grilled pork tenderloin two ways, my potato salad, Caesar salad (I'll try to remember to dig out the recipe for this one tomorrow for ya,) rolls, and my mom's super delicious lemon-lime Jello cake (I'll share the recipe for this, too.)
I love having traditional holiday dinners, but I cave for Easter every year. By the time spring finally gets here, everybody in my family would rather eat a salad than a casserole. At least I still get Thanksgiving and Christmas to make them eat cheesy potatoes and green bean casserole, right?
Other than a flock of bees forcing us to eat dinner inside, our whole day was perfect.
Kinley got to splash in Easter Sensory Soup while I made potato salad and cleaned up the kitchen. Dave hates sensory soup because SuperBaby makes such a giant mess with it, but I try to make her a batch for every holiday, at least, because she absolutely loves it!
For the Easter version, I filled her sensory bin with warm water colored with pink food coloring, and tossed in the foam butterflies and chicks I found in the Target dollar bins, some plastic eggs from last year, a handful of Easter grass and, her favorite part, a whisk. Then I let Kinley shake in as much pink and aqua glitter as she wanted, and she managed to only shake a teeny bit on the dining room rug. :)
I forgot to put a towel down underneath it this time...not smart. She was slipping and sliding everywhere and making an even bigger mess than usual. Good thing her daddy was in a good mood.
She got so into it, that she climbed in her soup and stomped around in it with her Crocs on. Crazy girl! I have to admit, I considered hopping in there with her.
She was totally worn out after all of that monkey business, and let me read her Easter books until she fell asleep and when she woke up, it was egg hunting time!
I have been looking forward to Kinley's first egg hunt since she was a fetus, so I was especially pumped. I was glad we practiced egg hunting because she knew just what to do.
Find egg. Put in basket. Repeat.
It was all going so smooth, until she squeezed an egg open and out popped her favorite: JELLY BEANS. From that egg on, she squeezed all of them open and managed to pick at least one from each out of the grass before we could pick them up. No wonder she wasn't very interested in dinner.
The egg hunt was just as sweet and fun as I had dreamed. What a great day!
Kinley's favorite present was her little stuffed bunny. She hasn't put him down since she pulled him out of the wrapping paper.

Superbaby is a stuffed friend addict. She has four favorites in her collection: Sara the Seal, Charlie the Pup, Nutmeg the Squirrel, and now, Brad the Bunny. She loves them and shares her Goldfish crackers and sippy cups with them, pushes them around in her shopping cart, kisses them each goodnight, and insists on taking at least one of them with us every where we go. I don't mind because I, myself, am a recovered stuffed friend addict. I probably gave her the gene. ;)
I hope you had as hoppy an Easter as we did.
More yummy recipes tomorrow!
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